On this page we will be posting some latest news, interesting facts and ideas from the translation industry. We hope you will find it interesting and educational.

China as a Global Consumer

La traducción de China, la traducción, la traducción de la empresa Santa, Shenzhen sin traducir de la empresa, la traducción de Shenzhen,中國翻譯公司,中國翻譯,holy翻譯公司,深圳holy翻譯公司,深圳翻譯公司,translation company china

Com panies are now paying attention to India as a global internet buyer/consumer of goods, services and content. There are 1.2 billion people in India and are increasingly affluent, […]


An interesting article from Ted.com about what food tells about the culture

La traducción de China, la traducción, la traducción de la empresa Santa, Shenzhen sin traducir de la empresa, la traducción de Shenzhen,中國翻譯公司,中國翻譯,holy翻譯公司,深圳holy翻譯公司,深圳翻譯公司,translation company china

This phrase resonated in me: “What you want to cook and eat is an accumulation, a function of your experiences — the people you’ve befriended, what you’ve learned, […]